Coming up: Islington Mill Art Academy Open Crit 24th Feb
On Wednesday 24th Feb we have the first Islington Mill Art Academy Open Crit of the year. Potluck
Dinner in 1st floor Common Room from 6pm followed by crits in the
gallery with Claire Hignett and Aliyah Hussain.
Please bring a dish to share (enough for one person, can be
home-cooked or shop- bought, home cooked is nicer!) and BYOB.
Claire Hignett
is a current member of IMAA. She will be presenting new work, which is a
development of work made during the recent IMAA 6 month residency at
Regent Trading Estate.
Aliyah Hussain
is a current studio tenant at Islington Mill, and member of performance
collective The Volkov Commanders. Her work frequently observes topics
such as spirituality and space, creating
bold, exciting and humorous works through fabric and photography.
Image: Claire Hignett 'Secret and Sacred' 2015
Image: Aliyah Hussain